
“Challengers” is completely captivating. It is an original drama that kept me engaged with its story and style throughout. I feel like the way the story is presented is similar to a tennis match, and switching back in forth from the past to the present, made me feel like I was on the edge of my seat during the main tennis match this movie centers on. I think all three of the main cast members are at the top of their game here and I found the characters complex and layered. Zendaya shines in the lead and is given more to work with than she has in other film projects, and I think she is going to be an even bigger start after this movie. I genuinely had a tough time picking one person to root for as the movie kept showing me more of the character’s backstories and dynamics. I do feel in the last act, before the big finale, the pacing slows down just a tad bit, but as a whole this movie zips by with fierce and spellbinding drama. Overall, it is a really interesting movie with plenty of ideas that happens to also be sensationally entertaining. I hope we see more movies like this in the years to come.

4.5/5 STARS


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